Sponsors are elicited to encourage community support of youth hockey. Each sponsor will receive a plaque or framed photo of its team in their jerseys. The team jerseys will be silk-screened with the sponsor's logo. A sign with the sponsor's name will be placed on the Sponsor Board in Rink One in Owens Center. The sponsor will also receive recognition in PYHA's directory, if any. The above varies with the levels of sponsorship.
PYHA provides sponsors for teams in the house league. Sponsor levels are as follows:
Bronze House Sponsors - $550.00 (includes team plaque, recognition on the sponsorship page of the PYHA website., sponsor name on front of team jersey)
Sponsorship levels are reviewed and approved by the Board in June.
Travel teams are responsible for obtaining their own sponsors. Each travel team shall have the maximum flexibility in raising funds by sponsors in whatever amounts the team sees fit and make such representations as they in fact, can carry out and will carry out. The team manager shall send a letter confirming the sponsorship donation to the sponsor for the amount thereof with a copy to the PYHA Treasurer. If the sponsorship involves recognition on the team page of the PYHA Directory, the team treasurer shall report to the appropriate PYHA Committee and shall provide any necessary artwork.
Checks should be payable to PYHA for general PYHA sponsorships. The Sponsorship Chairman has the right to modify the sponsorship contributions form year to year for the above classifications as long as they are generally consistently applied. The Chairperson of Sponsorships shall report the range to the President, Treasurer and/or Board of Directors. Sponsorships for Travel are to be obtained directly by the Travel Teams, as they are for Girls Teams, and reported to the PYHA Treasurer or the respective Team Treasurer.